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Siver.biz Детально
Проект Scam
Мониторим : 1234 Дней
Не Мониторим
Статус проекта
35% прибыли
Siver.biz screenshot
  • Почта поддержки
  • Форма поддержки
  • Наш вклад:

  • Мин. Деп/ Выв:

    $1 / $0
  • РефБэк:

    4% - 2%
  • Тип выплат:

  • Добавлен:

    Dec 10th, 2020
  • Работает дней:

    1236 дней
  • Форумы:

  • Наш рейтинг:

  • PerfectMoney
  • Bitcoin

Планы: 5% after 1 day; 7% daily for 3 days; 9% daily for 7 days (Principal Return)

Заказать RCB
Siver.biz description:
Siver Invest is a highly innovative trading service, allowing even beginners to get a stable profit. With over ten years of a unique experience, we’ve become involved in the most important projects we have ever had. Our service ensures a fixed rate of interest for our investors regardless of market conditions. Siver Invest focuses on providing profitable solutions for cryptocurrency investments through bot trading. We do not doubt the promising future of stock cryptocurrency trading, as the cryptocurrency market is the largest in terms of volume in the world. We use trading bots based on AI, as we are sure that their performance is higher than that of manually managed trades. Today everyone has a chance to create their own capital by investing in our business. A team of Siver Invest investment experts manages these funds, and together we are going to build a new future. Create your prosperous tomorrow by investing with future capital today. Your investments are Our responsibility.
Рейтинг Инфо Комментарий
Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Dec 23rd, 2020 07:27:36
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Плохо xxxxx@gmail.com
Dec 22nd, 2020 08:55:42
Withdrawal request saved
Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Dec 21st, 2020 12:06:35
Payment Received
Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Dec 19th, 2020 17:52:59
Payment Received
Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Dec 17th, 2020 12:08:18
Payment Received
Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Dec 15th, 2020 11:59:54
Payment Received
Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Dec 13th, 2020 18:33:02
Payment Received
Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Dec 11th, 2020 12:13:55
Payment Received

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