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S-Atomic Детально
Проект Scam
Мониторим : 18 Дней
Не Платит
Статус проекта
13% прибыли
S-Atomic screenshot
  • Почта поддержки
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  • Telegram Канал
  • Наш вклад:

  • Мин. Деп/ Выв:

    $$10 / $
  • РефБэк:

  • Тип выплат:

  • Добавлен:

    Mar 23rd, 2020
  • Работает дней:

    25 дней
  • Форумы:

  • Наш рейтинг:

  • PerfectMoney
  • Payeer
  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Litecoin

Планы: 104% - 140% after 1 day; 130% - 360% after 6 days; 160% - 550% after 9 days; 275% - 900% after 15 days; 405% - 1300% after 21 days; 1500% - 2500% after 60 days;

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S-Atomic description:
Atomic energy is one of the most promising areas for investors, since the construction of a nuclear power plant helps to reduce the detrimental effect of the greenhouse effect on the atmosphere. It is known that EU leaders intend to invest in the nuclear energy industry and develop a cooperation strategy based on the Paris Climate Memorandum. According to the World Nuclear Association, more than 250 new nuclear reactors will be built before 2030. More than 130 nuclear power plants are already operating in 14 countries of the European Union. All over the world, nuclear power plants poisoning the atmosphere are being replaced by nuclear power plants, and new safe technologies are being introduced. Nuclear power plants are also being built in the United States, and total investment in the sector will exceed $100 billion. In the near future, experts predict the development of the industry in Eastern Europe, Asia and the former CIS. Over the next 10–13 years, investment may exceed $1.5 trillion, according to publicly available statistics. Contrary to the view that nuclear power is unreliable for capital investments due to the constant search for alternative energy sources, at the moment this industry is actively developing and receiving a stream of investments. S-ATOMIC LTD has been in the nuclear energy market for three years and has branches in many countries where nuclear energy is developing, participating in research projects, environmental programs, supplying equipment and upgrading obsolete nuclear power plants. S-ATOMIC LTD is an officially UK registered company and successfully operates both at the state and international levels, investing in the development of energy supply and modernization of nuclear power plants. A team of professional engineers, electricians, technologists, energy conservation experts ensures the stable and successful operation of the company. Energy-saving contracts of the company provide an opportunity to earn income from users paying for electricity services. This ensures guaranteed income. Currently, the company has orders for more than 15 projects to reduce energy consumption in the amount of about a million dollars. At the same time, some projects are currently being implemented. S-ATOMIC LTD is open for cooperation with investors.
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Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Apr 9th, 2020 13:10:53
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Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Apr 7th, 2020 08:19:39
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Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Apr 5th, 2020 07:08:53
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Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Apr 3rd, 2020 09:36:33
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Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Apr 1st, 2020 20:08:41
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Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Mar 30th, 2020 08:54:40
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Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Mar 28th, 2020 22:21:59
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Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Mar 26th, 2020 08:31:01
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Очень хороший xxxxx@eurohyips.net
Mar 24th, 2020 09:56:00
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