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Lemon Bit Ltd details
Scam Project
Lemon Bit Ltd
Monitored : 3 Days
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  • Our Investment:

  • Min Dep/ With:

    $20 / $No Limit
  • Referral:

    4% - 1%-1%
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  • Added:

    Jun 5th, 2020
  • Lifetime:

    3 days
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  • Our Rating:

  • PerfectMoney
  • Payeer
  • Bitcoin
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  • Litecoin

Plan: 104% - 135% after 1 Day, 130% - 300% after 5 Days, 180% - 600% after 10 Days, 360% - 1200% after 20 Days

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Lemon Bit Ltd description:
LemonBit is a UK registered company that is a startup project for investing in the Lemons business using modern technology and blockchain platforms. Lemons are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium which is essential for heart health, nerve function and are good at maintaining the level of blood pressure in the body. Lemon and lime imports account for approximately 27 percent of world consumption. Besides the developed countries of North America and Europe, lemon and lime consumption is also found in the countries of Eastern Europe, as well as in producing developing countries such as India, Iran, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Jamaica. Countries in the Near East including Jordan, Cyprus, Lebanon and Egypt also have relatively high levels of per capita consumption. Limes could follow a similar trend in view of the substantial plantings over the past decade in Mexico and elsewhere, but prices are more likely to remain stable rather than fall, because limes appear capable of retaining their popularity among consumers. Therefore, it is logical that the manufacture of Lemon is an attractive idea for earning.

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